
What would Europe look like with circular composite materials?

Here are the highlights of our agenda:

πŸπŸ”:πŸ‘πŸŽ: Floris van der Plas, will introduce EoLO-HUBS, the evening’s proceedings!

πŸπŸ”:πŸ“πŸ“: Keynote by Jonathan Fuller (National Composites Centre) on composite recycling.

πŸπŸ•:πŸ‘πŸŽ: Round table: How can the European composites market become a sustainable business model? Our experts, including Chris Kamp (Circular Recycling Company), Nicolas Derrien (Continuum Composite Recycling), Benedikt Haspel (Nordex Group), and Dr Anne Velenturf (University of Leeds), will share their varied perspectives.

πŸπŸ–:πŸπŸ“: Dinner, networking, and interactive sessions.

Let’s drive the future of sustainability and composite recycling together!
